Volunteer Info

NBW is 100% volunteer-run and the club's success depends on the vigor and interest of its volunteers. Our club depends on new volunteers to sustain current activities and develop new ones. Volunteers meet other members who are helping the club while having a lot of fun! Our volunteers are recognized at the Annual Volunteers Banquet/Annual Meeting, where the NBW Volunteer of the Year is announced.

Here are some of the volunteer jobs:



A ride scheduling group meets a couple of times a year to draw up a calendar of weekly rides, rotating them around our riding area. A few new rides are added each year to our library of over 160 maps, as old rides are dropped or updated. If new maps are required, talented volunteers create new ones. 

Our arrowing coordinator organizes volunteers to arrow the rides, and provides paint, instructions and maps.

 A volunteer contacts local police departments for each ride.  This ensures rider and motor vehicle safety at the start of the ride and at critical areas during the ride.  

Our annual TFCE (The Flattest Century in the East) ride requires year-round organization and involves over 90 volunteers, working at registration, parking, rest-stops, or as SAG drivers, among other jobs.


Social Events

Volunteers organize the annual Volunteers Banquet/Annual Meeting, where all our volunteers are recognized (especially the Volunteer of the Year, the December holiday party, and social gatherings after rides.


Officers, Board of Directors, and critical ongoing administrative jobs

President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary of the club are elected annually at the Annual Meeting. They deal with the day-to-day administration of the club, working with a Board of Directors, composed of 3 previous Presidents, 3 recent Volunteers of the Year, and the Membership, Advocacy and Rides Coordinators. Not on the Board, but providing year-round service, are the newsletter editor, webmaster, merchandise sales volunteer, police liaison, ride starters, special events coordinator.


Want to help?

Sometimes our most valuable volunteers just see a need and step forward to fill it (for instance, running beginner rides in spring, or proposing new rides). But if you're not sure how best to help here's who to contact:


Ride arrowers

Ride arrowers will go out mark each ride by painting arrows on the road for our members to follow. Spray paint is provided by the arrower coordinator who will provide support and training for new arrowers.


TFCE volunteers

Our TFCE Chair organizes over 90 volunteers every year for this fall century for 1,500 riders. The call for volunteers will go out in spring in the club newsletter (The Spoke'n Word), and on the club website.


Want to help but not sure how?

Contact the NBW President